For Book Clubs
I’m available and excited to connect with your book club, either in person or by Skype. You can have me join your book club discussion via NovelNetwork. This is a free service that arranges a thirty-minute online visit either by FaceTime, Skype, or phone. The visit is free and so is your membership. There is, however, a small fee for longer, one-hour online and/or in-person visits (in the Boston area). I look forward to connecting!
If you choose my book for your book club read, please feel free to send a photo of your group with the book in hand to whitney at whitneyscharer dot com, and I will happily post it here on this page.
Reading Guide and Other Goodies
Are you reading The Age of Light in your book club? Download the reading group guide below for great discussion questions that will help get the conversation started. Looking to enjoy more than just conversation? Check out the cocktail recipes created for The Age of Light by the owner of my favorite bar in the world: Backbar.